Barrel Vault Transit Shelter in Glendale, CO

Transit Barrel Vault Shelter


  • The standard roof radius is 10’. Roof deck: 24 ga.
  • Steel Panel Options: steel benches, detached; steel benches, attached; wood benches, detached; wood benches, attached; recycled plastic benches, detached; recycled plastic benches, attached; windscreens; display cases; clocks

Options & Accessories

ICON's line of Industry Standard Shelters can be modified and accessorized in many ways to produce a custom looking structure. You chan change the the overall size in one foot increments, raise or lower the roof pitch, raise the eave height, extend the eave overhang, and add a roof tier or two without adding custom design charges.

Accessorize the shelter with one or more of the many optional features, such as cupolas & weathervanes, handrails & overhead ornamentation, clocks, premium columns, enclosure panels, and display cases. ICON designers and engineers can work with you to modify the features of any shelter.